
The entrance of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts (Antwerp)


In my personal statement, I wrote:

When I turned 24, I co-launched my brand TOO DARK TO SEE TOMORROW in my hometown of Riyadh, hoping to enlighten and explore my creative being. Unfortunately, however, my emerging passion was like falling in love, a bit of ecstasy and a lot of foolishness. Without proper education, attempting to practice fashion, all things considered, is like being in quicksand: the more you struggle, the deeper you sink.



With a renewed sense of wonder, I am convinced I will be a valuable addition to the programme. And I hope one day, I will become a designer who was trained in Antwerp.

Visiting Antwerp was breathing of passion. However, I was also overcome with sadness.

Nothing about my feelings struck me as unusual, as it validated my thoughts about the circumstances.

I felt more lost. And as one of my favorite authors wrote: "my suffering is that of the artistic person in an unartistic time.”

I know the values, maybe less the criteria, but my disappointment is all the more acute when I know that expression will always fail me. That is why I usually achieve the opposite of what I intend. I will always remain a stranger in my father's house.

That which was a pleasure of mine has turned into pain. My humble knowledge can no longer offer shelter.

I am afraid of getting lost, huddled in the darkness, without finding a way out. Life is too short for that.

I am still determining what awaits me in the future, but I hope one day, I will become a designer trained in Antwerp.


Life as a Late Bloomer


The Pain of Unused Potential